Central Board of Secondary Education
- School Affiliation Re-engineered Automation System 2.0 (SARAS
Letter Details
NO : CBSE/1930161/EX-00897-2324/2023-24/ Dated: 07/05/2022
The Manager,
(M: 044-24700119)
SUBJECT: -Extension of General Aliation up to Secondary/Senior Secondary Level .
This is with reference to school application on the subject cited above. In this connection, I am directed to convey the approval of the Board for
Extension of General Aliation as per details given below:-
Aliation No used as User ID for both OASIS and
LOC/Registration System
School No 55112
Aliated for Extension of General Aliation
Category Extension of Aliation
Period of aliation 01.04.2023 to 31.03.2028
The above sanction is subject to fulllment of following conditions:-
1. The approval is based upon the documents /data/information uploaded by the school online. The school will be responsible for its
genuineness. In case of any discrepancies, necessary action will be initiated against the school as per Aliation Bye -Laws-2018.
2. The school will follow the RTE Act, 2009 and instructions issued thereon by the CBSE/Respective State /UT Govt. from time to time. The
school will also abide by the conditions prescribed, if any, by the State Government concerned.
3. The School is required to apply on online for extension of aliation along with the requisite fee and other documents as per Rule 10.3 of
Aliation Bye Laws.
4. The school should go through the provision of Aliation and Examination Bye Laws and subsequent amendment therein as well as circulars
and guidelines /instructions issued by the Board time to time and keep a copy there of for reference purpose and is also advised to regularly
visit CBSE websites i.e., http://cbseacademic.nic.in/ & http://cbse.nic.in/ for updates.
5. The school to renew mandatory certicates from time to time.
6. The school shall be solely responsible for any legal consequences arising out of the use of school name/logo/society/trust or any other
identity /activity related to running of school aliated to CBSE. All legal expenses incurred by the Board, if any, arising out of these
circumstances, shall be borne by the school.
"The school shall possess valid re safety certicate and Building safety certicate during functioning of the school which shall be renewed
from time to time as per norms".
SN Location of School Campus area Aliation Allowed
Optimum No. of Sections
(From classes I/VI to X/XII)
A Areas/Cities mentioned in clause 3.6 1600 sqm Up to Class-X only 10
B Areas/Cities mentioned in clause 3.6 2400 sqm Up to Class-XII 24
C Areas/Cities mentioned in clause 3.6 3200 sqm Up to Class-XII 28
Class-X Cities (Clauses 3.5) and
Areas mentioned in clause 3.7
2000 sqm Up to Class-X only 10